Obituaries come in all shapes and sizes: long, short, elegant, etc. has compiled an obituary template designed to be a guide and checklist to help you gather information about the deceased.
Select only what you would like to include in the obituary.
- Name of the deceased, including nickname
- Age at death
- Place of residence at time of death
- Day and date of death (remember to include the year)
- Place of death
- Cause of death
Life Events
- Birthdate
- Birthplace
- Names of parents
- Siblings, childhood stories, education, etc.
- Name of spouse
- Education
- Awards, and other recognitions
- Jobs and achievements
- Military service
- Places of residence
- Hobbies, activities and other enjoyment
- Charitable, religious, fraternal, political, and other affiliations; positions held
- Achievements
Family Information
- Survived by (and place of residence):
- Spouse
- Children (in order of date of birth, and their spouses)
- Grandchildren
- Parents
- Grandparents
- Siblings (in order of date of birth)
- Nephews, nieces, etc.
- Friends
- Pets (if appropriate)
- Predeceased by (and date of death):
- Spouse
- Children (in order of date of birth)
- Grandchildren
- Siblings (in order of date of birth)
- Others, such as nephews, nieces, cousins, in-laws
- Pets (if appropriate)
Date of Services
- Day, date, time, place
- Name of officiant, pallbearers and other information
- Visiting hours (if applicable: day, date, time, place)
- Reception location (if applicable: day, date, time, place)
- Other memorial, vigil, or graveside services if applicable: day, date, time, place
- Place of interment
- Funeral home in charge of arrangements
- Where to call for more information (even if no service planned)
- Memorial funds established
- Memorial donation suggestions, including addresses
- Thank you to people who provided support
- Quotation or poem
- Three words that sum up the life